Norway in a Nutshell

Perhaps the single best train ride I’ve experienced, the journey from Bergen to Flam to Oslo is what you would expect to experience if you combined the boat ride from Anchorage to Vancouver with a scenic drive through Yellowstone, Wyoming. The white desolation of forever-snow fields & frozen mountain lakes leaves you mystified, as the […]

Bergen, Norway

  I’ve decided to try & write a long poem in 16 days, while traveling. It will help me set down my experiences of the trip, both imagistically as well as culturally, while providing my brain with some activity. I can’t imagine achieving more than 6 pages. Bergen, Norway is a deliciously small harbor city […]

A Few Weeks Abroad

So we have two friends to visit, Karmenlara Ely, a dancer, linguist, erotics professor who is currently teaching acting at Østfold University College in Norway, & Dan Gresham Glover, a recently retired sand sculpter creating graphic novels out in Portugal. I attended middle & high school with them both, & because it’s Wendy & my 6th […]


Life. Many times you have to choose one over the other.