
I’ve been neglecting my own website for the Brooklyn Arts Press website, which is brand new (praise be to Martin Rock) and seriously pleasurable to look at. I’ve also neglected writing about AWP, which was a wonderful experience, given how I was finally introduced to some of the authors I’ve published. Our reading at the […]

Joe Pan in New York Times

Visions of Drones Swarming U.S. Skies Hit Bipartisan Nerve By SCOTT SHANE and MICHAEL D. SHEAR ___________________________________ Last Friday I was in Boston attending the AWP conference when Wendy & I finished up dinner & drinks with some Boston friends & headed back to our hotel room. I figured I’d jump on Facebook before hitting […]

Green Dance

Green Dance from Joe Pan on Vimeo. “Green” is a surreal work influenced by video games, the sonic permutations of language, competition, spring, the green of astro-turf, sex, & memory, featuring the poetry of Joe Pan.   Green Impetuous Impetus   The crassly fashioned. The crudely uttered. The caped crusader as a crêpe crew saber. […]

Summer Lovin’

    My summer can be summed up in work. Even with the trip to Europe & upstate for Mt Tremper, I’ve worked everywhere, seven days a week. These three magnificent books are half of what I spent my time on, & I’m proud they’re out in the world.

Old friends

  Peyton Marshall, Xeni F. & Jim Sidel were in town & we all met up & had drinks in the Burg, settling into the garden at Soft Spot before moving later to The Counting Room for some catch-up conversation & good times. They’re each still funny, which helps conversation  that’s filling in the blanks […]

Reworking old material

There’s something that undercuts the nostalgia of reworking old material, & that something is the Oz of the fictional dream. We’ll call him Editor Emeritus, because he’s been around a while & is persnickety & panicky & full of pretense. He can’t believe you wrote that sentence in that way, but is too much the realist […]

Mount Tremper Arts Festival

(pictured top left clockwise to bottom left: Martin Rock, Jess Mynes, Joe Fletcher, Sampson Starkweather, Ana Božičević, Paige Taggart, Bianca Stone, Liz Clark Wessel, Mathew Pokoik, Iris Cushing, Aynsley Vandenbroucke, Joe Pan) Wendy P. & Liz S. not pictured. The trip to Mount Tremper Arts Festival was incredible, magical, a relief, a renewal, & so […]

Back from Vacation

  I’m back in the saddle, preparing 3 new books for publication with BAP, as well as running a clandestine poetry workshop, odd as that sounds. More on that later. In the meantime, check out my story “Bridge Jumping” in the new Cimarron Review.

Norway in a Nutshell

Perhaps the single best train ride I’ve experienced, the journey from Bergen to Flam to Oslo is what you would expect to experience if you combined the boat ride from Anchorage to Vancouver with a scenic drive through Yellowstone, Wyoming. The white desolation of forever-snow fields & frozen mountain lakes leaves you mystified, as the […]

Bergen, Norway

  I’ve decided to try & write a long poem in 16 days, while traveling. It will help me set down my experiences of the trip, both imagistically as well as culturally, while providing my brain with some activity. I can’t imagine achieving more than 6 pages. Bergen, Norway is a deliciously small harbor city […]

A Few Weeks Abroad

So we have two friends to visit, Karmenlara Ely, a dancer, linguist, erotics professor who is currently teaching acting at Østfold University College in Norway, & Dan Gresham Glover, a recently retired sand sculpter creating graphic novels out in Portugal. I attended middle & high school with them both, & because it’s Wendy & my 6th […]


Life. Many times you have to choose one over the other.


I’ve taken a brief hiatus from posting, mostly out of a duty to BAP, a great deal of editing, and trying to perfect a long poem that requires hours of tinkering per line (the lines aren’t troublesome, themselves. The subject is troublesome, and so requires deeper introspection into my personal beliefs while developing a language […]

Wall Street Journal Interviews Joe Pan and Brooklyn Arts Press

So Lizzie Simon from the Wall Street Journal interviewed me about BAP (click to see), which was a strangely stress-free experience. I met her at El Beit cafe and she told me how beautiful our books were and we talked and she scribbled down notes and I made her laugh a few times and when […]